ja 日本語 Hiring Full-time Caregiver - Sagamihara | FAIR Work in Japan

254. Hiring Full-time Caregiver – Sagamihara

★ We are hiring full-time caregivers for a nursing care in Sagamihara.

Recruitment Information

Job Title

Full-time Caregiver

Job Description

Provide care to elderlies.


229,000 – 239,000 JPY/month(base salary + include four night-shifts)   

The starting salary will be determined by the holding qualification.

Work Hour

First shift:          07:00 -16:00 
Second shift:      09:00-18:00
Third shift:         11:00-20:00 
Fourth shift:       17:30 – 09:30 (Can sleep while elderly sleeps.)

Each shift has 1-hour break. 

Work Location


1) 10 min walk from Sagami-no Station on the JR Sagami Line

Yokoyama, Chuo Ward, Sagamihara City ,Kanagawa Prefecture

2) 19 min walk from Minamimachida Grandberry Park Station on the Tokyu-den-en-toshi  Line

Gokanme Chou, Seya Ward, Yokohama City Kanagawa Prefecture(There’s a bus.)

3) 14 minutes walk from Kobuchi Station on the JR Yokohama Line

Higashi-Fuchinobe Chuo-ku, Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture(There’s a bus.)

4) 8 minutes walk from Kamimizo Station on the JR Sagami Line

Youkoudai Chuo-ku, Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture

5) 18 minutes walk from “Minamihashimoto Station” on the JR Sagami Line

Yokoyamadai, Chuou Ward, Sagamihara City,Kanagawa Prefecture(There’s a bus.)

6) Bus from “Sagamihara” Station on the  JR Yokohama Line

Yokoyama Chuuou Ward, Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture

Transportation Fee

Payment under transportation regulations


Foreigners are welcome to apply but must meet the following requirements:

  • Must currently live in Japan
  • Must have a valid visa and eligibility to work in Japan
  • Able to speak conversational Japanese well
  • Can write Hiragana
  • Has the following qualifications: beginner training (helper level 2), home helper level 1, basic training for care staff, and practical training for care staff

Employee Benefits

Regular holidays
Day Off;9 days/ month (shift system)
Paid vacation leave
Other leaves: bereavement, maternity, acupuncture, wedding, paternity, medical.
Pay raise, based on performance
Twice a year bonus (including improvement in treatment)
Complete social insurance (health, welfare, employment, and workers’ accident)
Payment of transportation expenses under the provisions
Night shift allowance (6,000 JPY/1 time)
Qualification acquisition support system

Workplace Information

We welcome everyone to apply, including those who have not much experience.

Middle-aged and elderly people are also welcome! We also welcome people with working experience.

If you are looking to improve your skills, we have a qualification support system in place, so you can feel safe working for a long time.

The company’s policy is to think about the field of work, how to proceed, and to propose and implement what you think is good.

Because it’s a small organization, the bosses take good care of each and every one of us.

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